022 - Coca-Cola's Ultimatum to Atlanta's White Elites - Melanie Touchstone Interview Part 2

Watch my interview with Melanie above OR stream the audio only below:

An inspiring story from 1964 where a corporation took a huge business risk to do the right thing.

Dr. Martin Luther King was awarded the Noble Peace Prize. But in the midst of controversy surrounding race relations in a southern city, the white Atlanta business community refused to attend the celebration. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. called upon some of his business acquaintances with serious sway to urge the community in the direction on the right side of history and honoring Dr. King's incredible achievement.

J. Paul Austin, President of Coca-Cola, and Robert Woodruff, former CEO of Coca-Cola, gave the white business elites in Atlanta an ultimatum. They threatened to move Coke's headquarters out of Atlanta unless the powerful people and business leaders of the city would honor Dr. King.

This is Part 2 of my interview with Melanie Touchstone, Director of Digital Marketing for the Metro Atlanta Chamber.

Did you miss Part 1? Catch up:

Marketing a City: Atlanta (Part 1) Interview with Melanie Touchstone, Metro Atlanta Chamber

WATCH Part 1: City Branding: Marketing Atlanta: https://youtu.be/1EczxzQnS8Y

Get in touch with Melanie: https://twitter.com/MelTouchstone

The Digital Dive Podcast 2010-2012: http://thedigitaldivepodcast.com/