012 - Get a Sponsor

Everyone talks about mentors. What we really need is sponsors. An advocate with social capital in an organization (sponsor) will advance your career more than a lunch buddy counselor (mentor).

There's nothing wrong with mentors - they can be great. But sponsors lead to promotions, raises, and leadership opportunities. And women need those things. #WageGap

  • "Women are 54% less likely than men to have a sponsor.
  • 70% of men and 68% of women who have a sponsor reported being satisfied with their career advancement.
  • Women with sponsors are 27% more likely than their unsponsored female peers to ask for a raise and 22% more likely to ask for the stretch assignments that build their reputations as leaders."

-Stats from FastCompany

Find a sponsor. Be a sponsor. Recommend a sponsor. It can be a man or a woman. Let's help each other. Abundance mindset!

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