content marketing

Don't Do Marketing; Be Marketable (5-Minute Video Podcast)

Maybe you’re overcomplicating all of this. So many tactics. So many channels to keep up with.

None of it matters if you’re not marketable. Watch 5-minute video podcast:

Emily Binder’s mini-podcast episode: “Don’t Do Marketing, Be Marketable (Threads dead, baby?)” aired 8/25/2023.

—> 1-click play the audio in your favorite podcast app

Show notes:

Threads burned bright for two weeks then DAU were down over 80%.

Twitter's rebrand to X wiped out ~$4 billion in brand equity. RIP the bird.

Point: All marketing is one of three things:

  1. Branding

  2. PR

  3. Direct response

Everything else is just tactics. This concept from Bob Knorpp is so key.

I go over the #1 marketing mistake I see brands make (this is the "marketable" concept via Samantha Russell).

Success has less to do with tactics like social media or advertising; it's about whether you know why your business exists. Call it a north star, a reason for being. The rest will follow.

Links mentioned:

Follow Samantha Russell on LinkedIn

Bob Knorpp's podcast: The Beancast

Mini-pod YouTube playlist:

My favorite podcast tools:

  • Riverside is the best way to record an audio or video podcast.

  • Descript is the BEST tool to easily edit audio or video like a Word doc. You will never go back.

Watch a clip on Instagram | follow @beetlemoment for more

“Voice Marketing with Emily Binder” podcast home page and most popular episodes playlist:

Why You Shouldn't Host PDFs on Your Website

What Is a lead magnet?

lead magnet is an incentive that marketers offer to potential customers in exchange for their email address or other contact information. Lead magnets usually offer a free piece of downloadable content, such as a PDF, whitepaper, infographic, checklist, report, ebook, or video.

Should I host a downloadable PDF?

No. There’s a better way to collect email addresses than gating your content behind a form to download a PDF. You should still collect emails in exchange for your proprietary content.

Gated content is any content that your visitors can access only after providing their information. PDFs are a common lead magnet, but they’re actually in conflict with your marketing goals to keep users on site and track their behavio…

Gated content is any content that your visitors can access only after providing their information. PDFs are a common lead magnet, but they’re actually in conflict with your marketing goals to keep users on site and track their behavior.

However, there is a more optimal method of presenting the content to keep users interacting with your website. It beats losing them and any tracking you might have had when they download a PDF and you lose the trail and their attention on your site.

Play our 2-minute flash briefing episodes to hear more about the solution:

Part 1 of 2:

Whether you want to entice an audience with a white paper, infographic, or one-page PDF, here's why you should stop with those downloadable assets. Press play below:

Subscribe free to this daily show on your podcast app or Alexa Flash Briefing.

Part 2 of 2:

You want to keep users on your site, not send them off to a PDF where you lose insight on their activity and clicks. Downloadable PDFs are popular lead magnets (forms where users give their email address in exchange for downloading your content like a white paper, infographic, or one-page PDF).

What is a better lead magnet than a PDF?

Publish a short (100-200 word) indexable abstract followed by a form to fill out in order to access the full content. Have that full content appear on the page (staying on your site) only after they submit the form, giving their contact info.

That way you don’t lose tracking or engagement on your site to a static offline asset (PDF), or risk them forwarding it for free to their friends (also without any tracking or email addresses for you).

Keep users on your site which is designed to usher them through a purposeful buyer journey. Don’t send them off site!

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