
032 - Simple Works: Voice Marketing for Brands with Michelle Excell

Hear my SXSW interview about voice marketing with Michelle Excell of The Antipodean. Michelle is an innovation strategist in the emerging technology space. And an all-around badass AND kind person.

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Brands, Voice AI, and AR/VR from The Antipodean

Michelle Excell, AR/VR and Emerging Technology Expert

Michelle Excell, AR/VR and Emerging Technology Expert

Show notes and timestamps:

01:41 Discussing voice and Michelle’s clients: what are you noticing with recent briefs?

02:25 Brands are interested invoice but unsure where to start

02:40 Some agencies are jumping in head first

04:15 Brands must start somewhere: they should start small with voice marketing and smart speakers

04:50 Consider voice or AI within chat bots or retail where people will spend more time

5.08 Find contextual places where customers really interact

05:14 Is it worth doing a single use or delightful skill or should skills be intended for repeat use?

P.S. Michelle and Emily met as guests on Bob Knorpp’s marketing and advertising podcast, The BeanCast. <— A VERY good show worth catching if you’re in marketing, advertising, or the agency world.

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Check out past episodes

Hear Emily’s top tips about voice marketing:

Click to hear Emily Binder discuss voice marketing strategy on Teri Fisher’s podcast. This is the #2 most popular episode of all time on Alexa in Canada!

Enjoy - stream it or hear on Apple Podcasts.

Hit the button above to get emails from Emily about voice marketing news. How often? Monthly, tops - and your info will NEVER be shared or monetized.

023 - Easy Alexa Skills for Brands - Brielle Nickoloff, Voice UX Design - Witlingo

Hear my conversation with Brielle Nickoloff, Voice UX Designer at Witlingo. We discussed what the startup is doing to help podcasters, politicians, entrepreneurs, authors, comedians, and other content creators or personal brand promoters get voice skills onto Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant quickly and easily.

“Castlingo is the easiest way to publish short audios to let your audience listen to what you have to say.”

Get a Voice Marketing Presence with Castlingo (check out their promo which ends 12/8/18).

brielle nickoloff headshot.jpg

Brielle Nickoloff is a Lead of Voice User Experience Design and Research at Witlingo, a Washington D.C., based startup that builds products and solutions for Voice First devices and platforms, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana.

Brielle earned dual Bachelor’s degrees in Linguistics and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Much of Brielle’s research in the space began with a closer look at the ways one’s emotional reaction to a voice interface is notably more inflated than reactions to other types of user interfaces. She loves to design for maximally accessible and minimally intrusive technology by leveraging the beauty of natural human language.

Attend the Alexa Conference January 15-17, 2019 (Brielle and I are both speaking - come say hi!)

40% of adults now use voice search once per day. Read more Voice First Facts from Witlingo.

Follow Brielle Nickoloff on Twitter: @ElleForLanguage (I love her handle!)

020 - Voice Marketing with Alexa Flash Briefing - KiKi L'Italien Interview

I interviewed KiKi L'Italien, CEO and Creative Technologist at Amplified Growth, about Voice Marketing with Alexa Flash Briefing.


  1. How are you using voice for marketing? For yourself, #assnchat (Association Chat), or your clients?

  2. What do you see being the biggest ways voice tech will impact marketing and business?

  3. The popular stat is 50% of searches will be screenless by 2020:

  4. What can brands and marketers do now to prepare for how prevalent voice search will be?

  5. What are your favorite Flash Briefings or Alexa skills?

Mentioned: podcast about microphones on the bus picking up coughs to measure sickness in a region - I cannot find this - I thought it was on VUX World but apparently not. The agency and interviewee was based in Kansas City... anyone know? Will update here if I find it.


Get in touch with KiKi

RELATED video: Why You Need a VOICE MARKETING Strategy Now

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010 - Future Flight Attendants and Captains of S&M

  • Sexist stickers for kids onboard TUI.
  • PR crisis fail - no main brand Twitter account to issue a statement.
  • What is the deal with gender roles today? It’s confusing to be expected to display assertive traits in the office and “feminine” traits at home. And why are so many young men not acting like men?
  • Chuck and Wendy Rhoades have a special power balance on Billions and domination/submission role play is a release more common than you may think.


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