
"You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know": How Financial Advisors Can Win HNW Prospects

Harvard Business School's Gerald Zaltman reveals that 95% of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously, driven more by emotion than rational thought. Despite this, sales strategies often focus on overwhelming buyers with data, causing decision paralysis.

Our subconscious adeptly processes information using learned experiences, supporting the notion of "trusting your gut." Studies like the Iowa Gambling Task show that emotional intuition identifies patterns faster than rational logic.

For complex sales or considered purchases (such as hiring a wealth manager), appealing to the intuitive mind through storytelling and experiential selling can be more effective than relying solely on facts and figures.

You are advanced enough and honest enough not to be pitching market-beating returns, of course.

But let’s really zero in on the angle that appeals to successful, smart, busy people who know a good deal about investing or have had solid performance but they:

  • Don’t want to deal with managing a portfolio.

  • Had a liquidity event or inheritance and find themselves in over their heads.

  • DIY’d it (perhaps with a robo-advisor) and have 7 figures sitting in Wealthfront or Betterment. (While robo investors can be less desirable FA clients attitude-wise, keep an open mind). This is a legit TAM and a lot of HENRYs hang out there.

  • Dollar cost averaged into the S&P for fifteen years, and have a chunk of money sitting in Schwab that could benefit from some hygiene, attention, and peace of mind that they’re not overpaying in taxes.

Insights from an actual prospect to RIA client conversion:

"As a client of an advisor myself, I’m giving you the scoop on why, despite great performance DIY’ing my investments for 15 years, I decided to hire an expert to manage my investments and financial plan.” - Emily Binder

Why I Hired a Financial Advisor

Takeaway: The reduced energy expenditure and peace of mind was worth the fee.

But there’s more nuance to the emotional aspect of this decision.

Positioning your value:

A great messaging strategy speaks to the fact that time (energy) IS money.

It will land well with people who:

  • value their time (most precious non-renewable resource)

  • understand the payoff from delegation (business owners especially get this because delegation is a prerequisite for scaling anything)

  • have intellectual humility and pragmatism about their unpredictable future behavior or lack of detailed knowledge about investing, estate, taxes, retirement, etc.

How do you harness psychology to improve RIA marketing?

Find a way to tactfully show prospects this universal truth:

"You don't know what you don't know."

More on that: The Dunning-Kruger Effect explains how people with limited knowledge often overestimate their expertise. By tactfully addressing this bias, financial advisors can help HNW prospects see the value of delegation and expertise—especially in navigating complex financial decisions they may not even realize they’re unprepared for.

This is an emotional unlock: you are selling peace of mind and time and energy savings. How do you even quantify that? You really can’t. Don’t try. A percentage of AUM is a steal for sleeping well and unemotionally managed diversification.

Sell benefits, not features. Here’s the difference (watch YouTube Short: “Sell benefits, not features.”).

Read more in the blog and video from Emily:

ROI of Transparent Pricing + Marketing (AUM)

Case Study: Alexa Flash Briefing - Ritholtz Wealth Management Voice Marketing

In 2018 we began working with Ritholtz Wealth Management on a voice marketing strategy to get their foot in the door of the Alexa ecosystem. As trailblazers in blogging and social media in the finance and investing space, “Downtown” Josh Brown and the Ritholtz Mafia wanted to beat the crowd to voice, too.

"Downtown" Josh Brown (@reformedbroker) asks Emily about the voice marketing work she’s done for Ritholtz. Hear why Ritholtz is "kind of a big deal" when it comes to voice in the investing and finance space.

Barry Ritholtz and Josh Brown. Image credit:

Barry Ritholtz and Josh Brown. Image credit:

Top Flash Briefing about Stock Market History & Investing

Market Moment is an Alexa Flash Briefing we created with Ritholtz Wealth Management, a New York City RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) run by two of the most online-savvy and established advisors in the industry: Barry Ritholtz (Masters in Business podcast and Bloomberg columnist) and Josh Brown (The Reformed Broker). Josh and Barry wanted to be first and best in voice in the investing space - and now they are.


Based on the popular “Today In Market History” tweets from @RitholtzWealth, Market Moment hosted by “Downtown” Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) is a 5-star briefing packed with great information about business and the market.

The Ritholtz team has been a blast to work with. They’re hands-on, ahead of the curve, and excited to invest in voice branding.

Having vision in 2008 that social media would explode helped Josh and his team get millions of followers. They’re doing the same thing with voice. Check back in a couple years and see who in finance-related content marketing had the head start voice.


We took care to choose keywords, title, and description for Amazon SEO (search engine optimization). Through monitoring and tweaking these fields, we have been able to climb the rankings for our top search terms, including investing, stock market, and financial advice. For example:

Improving Alexa Skills store page rank (SEO):

  • After eight weeks, with $0 spent on promotion:

    • We improved from position #75 to #20 for "investing", a 73% improvement. I.e. we were #75 of total results and now we are #20, on page 2.

    • We improved from position #24 to #8 for "stock market" (and to #7 a week later, below):

Amazon SEO: Market Moment Flash Briefing climbed rankings in Alexa Skills store from #24 to #7 for keyword “stock market” in first nine weeks.

Amazon SEO: Market Moment Flash Briefing climbed rankings in Alexa Skills store from #24 to #7 for keyword “stock market” in first nine weeks.

Phase 2: The Compound Show - Mini Podcast and Alexa Skill

In March 2019, we launched a first-of-its-kind custom voice skill and mini podcast about investing based on The Compound YouTube channel.

What if you could listen in on regular conversations between professionals working in money management today?

Josh Brown:

I invented the mini-podcast. All the financial industry and investment-oriented podcasts are an hour long or more. I think that’s because the person whose podcast it is feels bad about asking a guest to come on and then cutting them short. Some podcasts should be an hour – Patrick O’Shaugnhnessy interviewing Michael Mauboussin, for example, or Barry Ritholtz interviewing Ray Dalio, or Michael Kitces interviewing Ric Edelman.

But most podcasts are too long and not every guest has an hour-plus worth of stuff you want to hear. However, the format persists. I think it’s just something that’s become a tradition – to interview each guest for an hour and change – even though that’s not what the listener actually needs or wants from every conversation.

read more about The Compound Show on The Reformed Broker

Click here to enable The Compound Show on Alexa then say, “Alexa, open The Compound Show!”